Pudu Jail Redevelopment

Business Times Oct 15 – PROPERTY developer UDA Holdings Bhd will begin transforming the Pudu Prison area in Kuala Lumpur into a commercial hub next year.”We have plans to turn the area into a commercial development, which will include retail centres, offices, residences and parks,” UDA general manager of urban development division, Nooraini Mohamad Rashidi, told Business Times in an interview.The development is currently referred to as the Bukit Bintang Commercial Centre, but there will be a name change once it has been completed.The project, expected to stretch over eight to 10 years, will have a gross development value of RM2 billion, she said.

My speculation is that the Pudu Jail Redevelopment will look like this in the future…

NOTE (June 2010): Picture has been removed. For latest updates, kindly visit:


Pudu Jail area today with Berjaya Times Square in the background.

Pudu Jail KL

10 Responses to “Pudu Jail Redevelopment”

  1. thereflector Says:

    more jams in the future…sigh

  2. Darius Says:

    any office commercial building complete soon?

  3. Pigeon Says:

    Don’t they have any plans to retain at least the frontal gateway of the prison? It’s a good reminder of what the place used to be.

  4. Virginia Says:

    After living in Malaysia many years ago when the jail was operational and then going back after it was closed. I would like to see the prison retained as a tourist attraction or at least the walls surrounding the prison. I think all countries should keep a bit of their heritage regardless.

  5. rafiealam Says:

    bad design~
    too much element…not sync with each other….

  6. Global Voices in English » Malaysia: Historic jail demolished Says:

    […] eastern wall of the Pudu Prison complex was destroyed to make way for a road widening project. A commercial center will soon be developed in the […]

  7. Malaysia: Historic jail demolished :: Elites TV Says:

    […] eastern wall of the Pudu Prison complex was destroyed to make way for a road widening project. A commercial center will soon be developed in the […]

  8. Global Voices po polsku » Malezja: zabytkowe więzienie zrównane z ziemią Says:

    […] Pomimo protestów zaniepokojonych obywateli, artystów i historyków, rząd malezyjski podjął decyzję o zburzeniu 115-letniego więzienia Pudu, zabytkowego miejsca w Kuala Lumpur. W zeszłym tygodniu zniszczono wschodnią ścianę więzienia Pudu, by w ten sposób zrobić miejsce na poszerzenie drogi. Wkrótce zostanie zbudowane tam centrum handlowe. […]

  9. Global Voices на македонски » Малезија: Демолиран е историски затвор Says:

    […] И покрај протестите на загрижените граѓани, уметници и историчари, малезиската влада одлучи да го демолира затворот Пуду стар 115 години, историски симбол на Куала Лумпур. Минатата недела, источниот ѕид на затворскиот комплекс Пуду беше уништен со цел да се ослободи простор за проект за проширување на патиштата. Во областа наскоро ќе се изгради и трговски центар. […]

  10. Global Voices in Italiano » Malesia: demolito storico carcere Says:

    […] Nonostante le proteste di cittadini, artisti e storici interessati al caso, il governo malese ha deciso di demolire il carcere di Pudu [en, come tutti gli altri link, tranne ove diversamente indicato], istituzione storica di Kuala Lumpur, edificato 115 anni fa. La scorsa settimana è stata buttata giù la cinta muraria orientale del complesso penitenziario per consentire la realizzazione di un progetto per l'ampliamento della strada adiacente. L'area in questione vedrà, al più presto, il sorgere di un centro commerciale. […]

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